
     Well it looks like I am getting another flare-up. It's been almost a year since my last, but I'm certainly not looking to start a new one! I don't have health insurance and there is a list of medications and procedures I need to have to help me feel better. I can hardly function when I get sick. My migraines get so out of control that I can hardly get out of bed. I can't keep food down, sometimes for months at a time. I get seizures in my temporal lobe, sometimes multiple times a day. Most of my body hurts. I am always exhausted, even if I don't get out of bed. It is ridiculous!

    I have a life to live! I work all day then go to school at night. At the end of the summer I will be going to school full-time once again. I need to be able to do all the things I need to do. My schooling has already been greatly affected by this disease. I barely graduated high school, I missed so much! I'm going to cosmetology school and it has taken me almost twice as long to finish because of my illness. I'll be moving in with my boyfriend soon. I don't want him to see me sick and miserable all the time. Thank God he is so supportive! 

    I kinda just needed to vent a bit. I'm doing all the research I can to find some things that may help me feel better since I don't have access to the medicines I need. Through this I have found so many support systems for Lymie's like me. I even discovered that there is a support group that meets once a month just ten minutes from my house!  I'll definitely be checking that out. It can get very frustrated, and it's tempting to just give up, but I'm going to fight to stay on top of this. No matter how had it is.

Until next time...



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