Living with Lyme

     When I was five years old I went camping with my mom and her friends in Connecticut, where we lived. At some point during the trip I was bit by a tick in the back of my neck. After returning home my mother was bathing me when she noticed only the tick's little tiny feet sticking out. She quickly removed it with the burnt end of a match and kept her eye on it until it healed.

     Fast forward 14 years. I am now 19 yeas old, I live in Utah, and I have finally been diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease. I have had various health problems over the years that never seemed to make sense to anyone. Lyme Disease really is not a common illness in the west. A couple of months before I finally sought out those doctors, there was a small outbreak in Spanish Fork Canyon. Many physicians were emailed a list of symptoms and what to do if a patient was showing them. Had that outbreak not taken place, who knows if they would have finally figured it out! A definite blessing is disguise. 

     When I was a little girl, I always had bladder troubles. Embarrassing, I know. I seemed to ALWAYS have Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). Eventually my family sought out a Pediatric Urologist. Unfortunately there is only one of those in the state of Utah, and he was not of great help to me. I am almost 20 years old and I still live with bladder infections and my bladder is different than most.

     When I was just about 17 years old I had not started my menstrual cycle and did not understand why. I knew many girls stated later than others, but 17? I went to a doctor to find out why. After some tests they discovered that my uterus and ovaries were atrophied (a wasting or decrease in size of a body organ, tissue, or part owing to disease, injury, or lack of use). The doctors weren't sure if they stopped growing at some point in time, were very slow at maturing, or if they were shrinking. They started me on birth control to try and kick start my cycle. All the birth control did was make me feel icky all the time. Luckily, I started about a year later, which is a good sign that they aren't shrinking.

     A major sign of a flare up is not being able to keep any food down. In the beginning, I always felt sick after eating anything. Eventually, it got to the point where I would throw up everything that I ate. Gross! Honestly, I'm not quite sure why that happens, or what makes it better, but it eventually subsides.

     During one of my many doctor's appointments (I'm not sure which one, they've kind of all morphed together) they were performing the usual tests and discovered that my heart beat was not quite normal. They performed an EEG and I was diagnosed with a Heat Arrhythmia. Nothing serious, my heart beat is just a little bit different than the Average Joe's. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/heart-arrhythmias/DS00290

     A major issue that brought me to the doctor's in the first place was migraine headaches. I go through periods of time where they will just not go away! The day they did the test that diagnosed my heart arrhythmia, the doctor looked behind my eye to see if he could figure out the cause of the migraines. He didn't really say anything and moved on to other tests. He called me later that night with a concern he had had throughout the remainder of the day. Apparently I had quite a bit of swelling and he was worried about what was causing it and advised me to go to an E.R. to get it checked. Hearing that it was bad enough to go to a hospital definitely scared me, so I went. I waited for quite some time, but was finally seen. The E.R. doctors were quite skeptical about me needing to be there in the middle of the night, but still called in a neurologist. After testing they discovered that I have Pseudotumor Cerebri. It is basically a build-up of pressure in the brain that causes migraines, vision problems, nausea, hearing problems, etc. Luckily, it is not actually a tumor. After it was confirmed by MRI, I was sent for a Lumbar Puncture (Spinal Tap) to relieve the pressure. It was definitely the most painful thing I have endured in my life, but the migraine's have stopped! Also, I no longer have to wear glasses since all that pressure has been relieved. A definite plus! http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001391/

     Another problem I have with my brain is Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE). I always thought I was crazy. Since I can remember I have always had the strangest episodes of what I thought was Deja Vu. Out of nowhere the scene around me would change. I felt very strongly that I had experienced that moment before. My vision was almost blurred, I would become very nauseous, I couldn't breathe well, my ears would start to ring, I would hear voices and I couldn't speak. After a few seconds it would just stop. It always bothered me greatly. Is that what everyone experienced when they had Deja Vu? Not at all. I was actually having a seizure in my brain. I still don't know a lot about TLE, but I now know that I am NOT crazy. It's just yet another part of my body that has been affected by Lyme Disease.

     It has been almost 15 years since I was bit by that tick, yet I am reminded of it every single day. Although the Lyme is no longer "in" me, it has changed my body for good. I am still no expert, but I will still do what I can to educate myself on this horrible disease and make sure that I stay healthy.

Until next time.....




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